Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

Did You Know by Karl Fisch
34 babies in 8 seconds
what will it be like for them
college grads more in India?
did you know
10 years from now
exponential times
use of computers
MySpace is 8th largest in the world
what does this all mean
shift happens
In Karl Fisch's Did You Know presentation, what matters most is change.There has been much talk of how technology is destroying our brain, and that eventually , it will be smarter than us. Several times in the video, graphs are shown, or information is given, that shows the change in uses of technology, or the change of rates in literacy or education. Charts and information is also shown showing the amount of technology used every minute of our lives.
While watching the video, I was very surprised when I realized how much technology has advanced in the past 30 or so years. The use of cellular devices, internet, computers, and all other types of technology created over the years has been advanced in so many ways to make life easier for all people. The video showed how much more it will help the entire human race within the next 15 years, to the point where we no longer really need our brains for actual comprehension, but only to keep our bodies working. I hadn’t previously realized how quickly the pace for advancement was moving. It is predicted that by 2049, a single $1,000 computer will be able to comprehend more than the entire human race.
I also watched the Shift Happens Narrated version on You Tube to get a better idea of what all this means. This is where I got the picture that America is no longer number 1. India and China have well exceeded our education standards, as well as the amount of people that graduate from college, the amount of people that can fluently speak English and their native language, and the amount of high honors students in high schools. I had always pictured America as the place to be for a good education, and the place to go to college because America was m0ore successful. After watching both videos, I realized that that isn’t the case. Compared to China and India, America is a puppy in the pack of wild dogs.
I was thinking about whether or not this information could really be true and accurate. I realize that the pace of technology is advancing very quickly, but I don’t ever think it will be perfect. To state my point, I found proof. As I was writing this blog the first time, and publishing it on my personal blog, something happened inside the computer causing it to delete my latest posts, including the first version of Did You Know. After searching profusely for about an hour, I accepted the fact that something had gone wrong I the computer, and a mistake was made. That is a point that shows that technology will never be perfect, no matter how advanced, quick, or high-tech it may be. There will always be some sort of glitch in the program, or there will always be some instance where something goes wrong, whether by accident, or intentional, by the computer of the human.
At first, I was having troubles deciding what else could matter to this video. I came to the conclusion that it wasn’t what mattered to the video, it was what mattered to the people viewing the video. This clip can be viewed in many different ways and perspectives, and many conclusions can be drawn from it. There could be many types of bias taken from this video. Some people, such as businessmen could take this as a good thing. They would be all for advancing technology quickly to make the lives of humans easier. Some would also love the idea of getting to the point where a computer controls their lives because they are to lazy to work for anything themselves. The types of people that are for getting to the point where human brains are almost not needed are the people that are trying to simplify life, and make work more easy, leaving more leisure time for everyone. Then there are the types of people that enjoy advancements in technology, but would like to keep the brain in use, and not have it overtaken by a computer. I must say that I am one of these people. I like working for things, and when it comes to the point where that is longer possible, is when enough is enough. People like this believe that if we keep up this rate of advancement, advancing any further will be impossible because the advancement is to advanced to advance any further. By pushing technology further and further, it will ruin our assiduous efforts to persevere and actually work towards our goals in life.
If technology keeps going at the pace it is said to be going, then before we know it, we will be warped into computers, and they will become our life, but we won’t know what to do about it. By slowing down to watch what we are actually doing, and to see the potential mess we could be creating, we could save ourselves from disaster, or we could miss many opportunities that lie ahead.

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